Are You Ready For PARENTHOOD | 10 things to know before getting Pregnant
Parenting is a big responsibility and if you are from the current generation and someone like me you would want to take an informed decision before embarking on this journey. There are many factors I considered before getting pregnant and they resulted in a great pregnancy leading to a beautiful parenting journey. In this article I have shared all those factors for your consideration, do give it a read and share your feedback in comments.

Thoughts of a lil one in your arms fills your heart with warmth. And as you set yourself to realize this dream, informed and aware steps to it, make it a whole lot easier. To begin, this article is not about “how to get pregnant?” The Internet has multiple articles on the same. This is my personal account of the basics before pregnancy. The video content linked with the article for the same, was shot when I was 33weeks pregnant. And today as I see my son, Kabir, flourish, I am grateful to have been made aware of these steps before conception. I hope that the following will aid your happiness to a wonderful pregnancy.
To set the records straight, the prevailing thought process is that conception is an easy task. Make love and boom; out comes the baby. The truth however is manifold. While the physical process might sound simple, the changes it brings along can challenge a couple. Are you ready for the change?
► The first question to address is are you ready for change? A baby upturns your existing life. Time is the first gift to your baby. The world will revolve around its needs, squeezing out the most of your energy. Emotional changes between you and your partner, due to lack of time to connect, is a reality. Physical changes also come in the package. The pregnancy weight often causes body image issues. Also, the sex life undergoes drastic changes. Unless it’s a complicated pregnancy, sex during pregnancy is not an issue, as your doctor will make you aware, the pattern of intimacy will change. Are you and your partner ready to embrace the above and more? An open conversation with your partner is much needed.
► Financial changes are obvious, as you budget not for the two of you but for a third member of your family. As parents, we want the best for our baby and like it or not but good quality baby products are expensive. The expenses, especially at the third trimester of pregnancy, with its many ultrasounds and medical support, only builds up to delivery and post-natal care charges at hospitals. Post-delivery the best of toys, clothes, care, nutrition, education and more, all have a financial impact. This too needs to be discussed amongst the partners are a proper budgeting should be done as per your needs & requirements.
► Counselling before pregnancy is a point that I need to emphasize. No matter how well informed you are, a doctor is the best advisor. As the doctor guides you through the process of pregnancy, the changes to expect, the medical examinations to be done to ascertain you and your partners health, before conception, it irons out any misinformation that you might have. Usual tests recommended by doctors are thyroid, diabetes, heart diseases and hormonal deficiencies. This would help you to start on medications or treatment, should you need any, before embarking on the pregnancy journey. This step also helps you identify the hospital or doctor, that you can trust during pregnancy and delivery. A doctor that you trust, makes pregnancy easier and rewarding.
► Know your ovulation cycle. We chart out our periods. However, ovulation cycle is slightly tricky to predict. This is the time of fertility, when the egg is released. A sperm meeting the egg during this window leads to conception. Depending on the cycle of the periods, fluctuations in the dates of ovulation is possible. Hence, it’s better to consult your doctor to mark the ovulation cycle.
► Irregular periods can affect pregnancy in a major way. The ovulation cycle goes haywire in such cases, making it difficult to conceive. Here too, a doctor is the best counsellor.
► Weight issues are major factor both pre and post pregnancy. A woman will gain weight to support the growth of the new life in her. Higher the pre pregnancy weight, more are the chances of back and knee problems, amongst many other repercussions. It’s advisable to reduce your weight before conception, to be able to strike a balance during pregnancy.
► Do take Folic Acid. Folic acid is a vitamin that sets hormonal imbalances in your body and protects your baby from neurological disorders in the future. Of course, you need to consult your doctor. However, most doctors will recommend folic acid tablets for at-least three months before pregnancy.
► Let the stress go away. Easier said than done, as I know from my personal experience, is to do away with stress. We women want to do our best to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy. For the same we try and implement lifestyle changes, even before conception. Unfortunately, this adds to our stress. Instead, it would be wonderful to enjoy an intimate and happy relationship with the partner, without constantly focusing on the pregnancy goal.
► My ardent request is that be patient– with yourself and the natural process of conception. Give yourself at-least a year before looking at other options like medical treatments, IVF, adoption. It’s not a snap your fingers and magic process. Allow yourself to enjoy the bond with your partner and I am sure, soon you shall have your bundle of joy.
I wish you a happy pregnancy and a joyful motherhood. Should you want to watch the content in a video format, it is linked below. If you found this useful do share it and feel free to reach out to me with your feedback, questions and pregnancy stories. Enjoy Simplified Parenting.
Boht Koch ha is me Jo meny ap ki vedios me nahi suna.. Ye mery liye boht helpful rahy gi.. Or ap dono ki mehnat nazar arai ha. Once again thanks guys.
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Thanks for website mem bohot hi achha hai or helpful hai
Thank you for your feedback, we hope to continue providing great informative content for you.
I was planning to lose weight before pregnancy but I am overweight and pregnant now… Doc told me for bed rest till 3months my doc didn’t show any concern about my weight till now… but I am worried whether it will create hurdle in my delivery…
बहुत ही सरल और महत्वपूर्ण टिप्स हैं जो आपने इस लेख में बताए हैं। गर्भावस्था से पहले इन बातों का जानना बेहद जरूरी है। आपके लेख में संतुलित आहार, व्यायाम और स्वस्थ जीवनशैली के महत्व को बताया गया है। इसके अलावा, आपने बच्चे को एक स्वस्थ मां-बाप के रूप में पालने के बारे में भी बताया है। आपके लेख से नयी मां और बाप को उनकी जिम्मेदारियों के बारे में जानने में मदद मिलेगी। बहुत बढ़िया लेख!