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Home Made VaporRub for Babies to Combat Cold & Cough in all Seasons

Motherhood is daunting, especially when nurturing a baby to recover from the common cold. The challenges are multi-fold. A baby that’s constantly irritated with blocked nose, congestion and lethargy. If you are a parent or a caregiver that’s anxious to help your baby, I am here to help. Read on to know the an easy way, that new parents can adopt for quick relief.

Cough and cold is a regular ailment for babies, in their first year since birth. This is especially common during the winter season when everyone in the family is suffering from common cold themselves. It is fairly easy for the baby to catch some infection given their low immunity. Your baby can’t communicate the congestion it feels. So we as parents can adopt some easy hacks up our sleeves to ease their discomfort.

Having said that, let me share an idea that we tried with our baby and so far they have worked well. My first baby’s first winter went as easy as a breeze. The home remedy I’d tell you about is a Vicks Vapor Rub. Now you may ask that this product is quite easily available at any chemist, then how is it a home remedy?

Nowadays we can even find Vicks for babies too. But doctors, on the contrary, do not recommend using it on the baby’s skin. The ingredients present in the product are very strong for a baby to inhale and can end up irritating the respiratory system. Also, applying it on the skin can give skin irritations to the baby.

To combat this, we can make our very own organic vapor rub, which will not only soothe but also help cure the congestion. For this, you need two ingredients, Ghee (clarified butter) and Kapoor (camphor). Camphor is a common ingredient in every household. It is used in both home-made as well as the commercially sold Vicks Vapor Rub. Additionally, Ghee has a host of benefits which also gives the much needed moisture. The amalgamation of Ghee and Camphor gives a very light paste and the aroma is very similar to the store bought one. The home rendition of a VapoRub  can be used by both adult and babies. After refrigerating it, if need be, the consistency of the product is really smooth and easy to apply on the baby’s back and chest.

It’s keys benefits are; this takes 5 minutes to whip up, can be refrigerated and super effective. Whenever the baby feels any cold related discomfort, this can be applied on chest, back and sole of the feet. Cover the baby and keep him warm after the application. Let the soothing VapoRub take its effect through the night .Though ensure that there should be no air exposure. Keeping the baby warm after application is a must. Also a point of caution is that it should not be applied directly around the nose. You can apply it anywhere close-by, maybe on the pillow or on the cot. Let the aroma release slowly throughout the night and that will keep the nose from blocking with phlegm.

Let’s get to the recipe now. To make this you will need:


7-8 tsp Ghee

6 pieces of Camphor

A jar to store

Heat a pan, add ghee and add camphor pieces. Keep stirring on sim and dissolve the camphor completely. Once mixed and dissolved well, cool it down and store it in a jar. Keep it at a cool place. Once it solidifies, it will work exactly like a store bought Vicks, which you may not even think of purchasing again once you have tried out this home remedy.

Your home will be filled with a aromatic fragrance of camphor, which is mostly pleasing. Do let us know how you find the recipe. It has been a huge boon for us and Kabir too responds well to it. I hope it really helps all the new mommies out there. Nurturing a healthy baby, is not a solitary task. I am with you in this journey. I am curious, are there any cold relief remedies that you can vouch for? Do tell us about in the comment box below. Your comments, questions and feedback are always welcome . Feel free to share this article and spread the word amongst your friends, relatives and new parent out there.

Do share our enthusiasm to build a parenting community. Introduce more parents to MomcomIndia. We reach out to you via our pages on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and this website. Enjoy simplified parenting.

♥ घर पे VapoRub कैसे बनाये| इस आर्टिकल में इस बारे में बताया गया है | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें 


Must-read articles on baby winter care:

Baby Winter Care (Part-1) | Skin Care for Newborn Baby (0-12 months)

Baby Winter Care (Part-2) | Immunity for Newborn Baby (0-12 months)

Baby Winter Care (Part-3) | Right Clothing for Newborn Baby (0-12 months)


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3 years ago

Great content! Keep up the good work!

3 years ago
Reply to  Keevo

Thanks you !

Shelly arora
Shelly arora
3 years ago

Can you please tell the homemade remedy of red skin patches in summers(as it is started)??

3 years ago
Reply to  Shelly arora

There is a video on heat rashes on my YT channel, please watch that for more details.

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