Home Remedies For Baby Constipation (6 Months to 1 Year Babies)
Constipation causes immense discomfort to your baby. Though it often happens with the introduction to solid food, one can prevent and tackle it. The following article will provide 4 easy remedies for baby Constipation. Regular following of the tips, will significantly reduce your worries about constipation discomfort.
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That discomfort of a stuffy tummy is not an alien feeling. Adults too feel that intense bloating, gas and occasional cramps. When the tummy is all clogged up, the baby goes through a lot of pain. And unable to express it, the sleeplessness and crying begins. While, as parents, we try and keep a check on baby potty routines, sometimes constipation causes its mayhem. Especially after solid foods are introduced to a baby’s diet, the digestion system takes time to adjust. As a mother, I always stick to home remedies to ease this issue. Frequent medications are not advised for babies.
First, I would like to emphasize that solid food should be introduced to a baby only around or after six months. Your pediatrician would advise the same. Breastfeed is light and hence significantly reduces the chances of constipation. Babies on formula feed do have a different consistency of poop than breast fed babies. Yet, solid food is whole different change for a baby. When introducing solid food, start with easily digestible foods first.
That said, let me tell you about the tried and tested methods that I have used for my son Kabir.
4 P’s- Pear, Peaches, Prunes and Papaya
As for adults, there are certain foods that help in cleaning the intestine of its mucky discomfort. Pears, Prunes, Peaches and Papaya are super foods in such a case. I regularly mashed up one prune, to give it to Kabir. Any of the four food can be mashed up and mixed with Roti, rice or just can be given by themselves. The baby relishes it. Do check which of the four, your baby enjoys the most and add it to the baby’s regular diet. This would prevent any episodes of constipation.
2. Water
Introduction to solid foods triggers changes in a baby’s digestive system. Though the milk consumption carries on with it, babies often refuse water. Ensure that the baby drinks water, keeping the digestive system hydrated. Periodically give your baby a few sips of water.
3. Lukewarm Compress
Take a cloth and iron it. Let it cool down to a comfortable lukewarm temperature. Then gently use it to give a compress around the navel. This will immediately improve the circulation in the area, providing relief.
4. Massage
I have always recommended daily massage for baby. We have made it a regular ritual in case of Kabir. Massage with lukewarm oil, be it coconut or any oil of your choice, before a bath or sleep time, helps a baby in multiple ways. However, if you can’t give a head-to-toe massage, do regularly massage your baby’s tummy. Following this up with a hot compress, will keep constipation at bay.
Even after doing the above, should you notice constipation in your baby, it’s best to seek medical advice. After 4-5 days, if the situation persists, the pediatrician might suggest medications. Remember before you start solids the doctors suggest that a baby pooping once in 7 days or 7 times a day is considered to be normal and hence it is absolutely expected that babies will have some issues with poop occasionally especially after starting solids. You are parents should make note of any minute changes to your babies’ diet, it could be change in formula, change in quantity, change in diet, introduction to any new food etc. The more aware you are the better you will be prepared to care for your baby when they need you the most.
With this article I hope I have been able to guide you through the tricky baby constipation scenario. I would be happy to know the home remedies that you have used for your babies. Comments, feedback, queries or more, I would love to chat up with fellow parents. Do feel free to reach out to me. Enjoy Simplified Parenting.
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