Baby Routine (6 Months+)

Ever so often, new mommies and their tiny tots struggle to come to terms with their new routines and rightly so, it can be as flexible as it can get. As your baby grows, at every stage their needs only increase by manifolds. We are often asked to share ideas on how to build upon it. We hear you.

So let us begin by sharing my son’s routine when he was around 6 months. He is an early riser, with that being said, it gives us a lot of time for early morning snuggles and getting the day started. He wakes up at six in the morning and that lets us build our day from here. In the next half an hour I get him prepared to step outside.

In those 30 minutes, at first, I let him sip on to some lukewarm water and get his metabolism kick-started. Right after that, he poops and soon after the diaper from the previous night is also changed. I get him all dressed up according to the weather outside, to breathe in some fresh air and soak in the sunlight. From the very beginning, it has been our endeavour to explain Kabir (my son) that outdoors is meant to be active and to play games. While, the bedroom on the other hand, is for relaxing and to catch a nap.

We curate the activities for him in a way that he observes and grasps better. Getting him oriented to the objects around the house is another step in his initial grooming and a positive sensory response. Children at this stage observe as well as learn words and actions more than our comprehension. They pick and understand a new vocabulary with ease. During the next 45 minutes, the concentration is on activities involving skill building and motor responses. We let him play with his toys, followed by breakfast. We try to keep his diet full of cereal goodness and lots of seasonal fruits. This diet gives him lots of fibre and is a great energy booster.

Since the day Kabir was introduced to solid food, we made it a point that he always sits on the feeding chair. This has dual advantages, firstly the fear of choking is completely negated and it inculcates a good habit since the very beginning. For many children who have a hard time sticking to one place during the feeding time, Mums can engage them by reading their favourite story, talking, playing and laughing with them. Use of television or any gadget during feeding time is not advisable at this age. Post breakfast, it’s time for him to play as his energy is fired up . Play is exercise for babies and it helps him catch his first nap of the day. During this playtime, it’s a good mix of physical activity using his favourite ball, moving around in the walker, crawling and grabbing the things that catches his fancy.

Post his nap, he wakes up with his dad (my husband was doing night shifts during this period), and both of them play some brain engaging games like identifying objects and the like. Soon after he gets his first snack of the day, which is mostly a fruit. Kabir then steps out for some playtime in the park and meeting his peers. Now socialising isn’t just for adults. Even our tiny tots need it for an all-round development. Most of the time we have seen that children don’t respond well to new faces, both adults and children. They need to be exposed to adults, children and toddlers of different age groups alike. Such events only help them be more accepting and adjusting to a new environment and adapt easily. Practicing etiquettes and manners from an early age is a good idea.

Now moving on to Kabir’s lunch time, it generally comprises of rice, pulses and fish. Post lunch, its entirely daddy-son time, where they get to bond. Fathers are not only huge role models for their kids, but also a companion, friend…a buddy of sorts. This is the time, when Kabir’s dad gives him massages, bathes him and plays with him. As a mother we get enough opportunities to bond and connect with the child, say during feeding.

Post the relaxing bath and massage, Kabir is put down for an afternoon siesta, after which he wakes up in two hours, for his next snack. Snacking time can usually include food items such as vegetarian, non-vegetarian soups, mashed potatoes and much more, basically keeping a healthy mix of choices in the food options.

Come evening, Kabir has two hours dedicated for playtime. It is pretty much similar to his morning routine, but we try to balance it out with both indoor and outdoor activities. The aim here is to tire him to a point ,where hitting the sack at the end of the day isn’t a difficult task. With planning out such activities, the problem of light or less sleep can be taken care of.

Kabir’s dinner time usually consists of Chapati and Chicken, he relishes non-vegetarian food. Right after dinner, it’s time for the night time routine to kick in. He gets a clean-up, changes into his night clothes and gets moisturised. Well planned out routine for every part of the day, also trains the child’s mind eventually to know what to expect next.

Once he sets into the bed time routine, mom and baby can indulge in a “quite play time” which include activities like reading a story, light music, nursery rhyme, lullabies or simply flash some animals and children’s characters on the wall using projector lamps. The best way to end the day is a lot of cuddles and snuggles. To a child’s mind that’s a huge positive reinforcement and a sense of security.

Over a period of time every child goes through changes in their routine, but our every endeavour should be towards comforting the baby. It is preferred to stick to one routine unless your baby’s stage demands a change. It takes about a minimum of 15 days to in-still fresh habits and routine in a child, but believe us, you will get there in spite of any resistance that you may experience. There will be times when the child is experiencing teething or any associated illness, an ongoing routine is bound to go haywire, do not fret such phases.

We are confident that the new parents out there are doing a great job already at identifying their baby’s patterns, but a little help and some novel ideas doesn’t hurt… isn’t it?! This was baby Kabir’s routine. Though we shared our family routine with you, restricting you under time stamps, would make parenting rigid. Adapt it as per your family structure. Catch a nap when you can. Happy parents raise happy children.

We would love to hear your experiences too. Your comments, questions and feedback are always welcome and feel free to share this article and spread the word amongst your friends and novice parents. Do share our enthusiasm to build a parenting community. Introduce more parents to MomcomIndia. We reach out to you via our pages on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and this website. We are confident that the new mums and dads out there are doing an incredible job already. Enjoy simplified parenting.


♥ 6 महीने के बच्चे का पुरे दिन का रूटीन, इस आर्टिकल में इस बारे में बताया गया है | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें 

What to do if your baby does not sleep properly (0-3 months)

Let me start by saying that your baby will not start to sleep for 8 hours straight through the night anytime soon, my son Kabir started sleeping through the night without feed or diaper change when he was around 3 years old. Sleep in babies evolve with time as they grow older and is dependent on many factors which may or may not be in your control. This article will help you understand what to expect when it comes to sleep for a 0–3-month-old baby, factors that might affect your babies sleep and things you can do as a parent to ensure a peaceful & adequate sleep for your child.

Newborn babies are expected to sleep for an average of 18-20 hours a day, however don’t be surprised or stressed if that has not been the case for your baby. 0 to 3 months is often referred to as the transition phase for newborns, the environment outside the womb is totally different and so are the physical needs.

Though your friends & family have already prepared you for sleepless nights however the real experience when it happens can be quite exhausting & emotionally draining for the new parents. It’s always better to be prepared for what’s coming, so you are ready to course correct whenever the journey goes in an opposite direction to your expectations. That being said let’s try to understand why our newborn babies have problems related to sleep.

Between 0 to 3 months babies do not have a set pattern or routine, they feed on demand and sleep on demand & finding the right balance between the two is what we as parents have to figure out for ourselves as each baby is different. So, if you find yourself in a situation where the baby is feeding well however is not sleeping enough then as a start make note of the following factors:

Hunger ► Your baby didn’t have to make any effort in the womb to fill their tummy, once outside they have to make an effort to satiate their hunger. This effort of sucking is quite tiring for them, making them fall asleep either immediately after or often while feeding. Not getting adequate milk on the other hand can keep them awake. Many new mothers are unable to produce sufficient quantity of milk, this happens due to many factors. In my case I realized after a few days that my body is not producing enough milk in the evening to satisfy by babies’ hunger, which was making him cry constantly and impacted his sleep considerably. My recommendation will be to feed your baby for at least 15 minutes on each breast and try to keep your baby awake and sucking during this duration of time.


Gas/Colic ► Due to inconsistent feed, lack of adequate milk supply, introduction of baby formula and many other factors, newborn babies have to deal with gas problem. Discomfort caused by gas/colic can impact your baby’s sleep. In case of low supply your baby can suck in a lot of air while making an effort to feed, this air can cause gas problems in their tummy. Burping your baby immediately after the feed & doing it in the right manner can help reduce the chances of baby forming gas.



Diapers ► I have nothing against cloth nappies or baby diapers, parents can prefer one or the other as there are many variables at play when it comes to using cloth nappies or diapers. You may have noticed that babies are not very comfortable with the nappy/diaper change process. Normal diapers do allow for a couple of pees compared to a cloth nappy which must be changed after every pee. So, depending on your babies sleep pattern you may want to make the right choice as per your babies needs.



Environment ► The womb was a safe, quiet and warm environment. It’s important to keep these factors into consideration when you are making your baby sleep. Don’t under or over dress, my pediatrician always suggested one additional layer compered to ours and this became a rule of thumb for the first one year. We kept the AC temp in the room almost at the same level which suited our needs with our baby wearing one extra layer of clothing compared to ours. We also ensured we give our baby a quiet and peaceful environment to sleep in, you will be amused how babies can sleep even when there is a lot of noise around. That however should not encourage you to consider its okay to do that. When it comes to sleep it’s always better to create a quiet night type environment that your baby can grow used to over time.


While these are the major factors which can impact your baby’s sleep and for each of these factors, I have shared my best practices which worked with my baby, there are still many other aspects which you can consider to ensure a proper sleep for your child.

♥Swaddling– it works on most babies especially in the 0-to-3-month period. Swaddling is wrapping up your baby with a swaddle cloth in a womb like position and make them sleep in the swaddle as per their sleep pattern.

♥Awake Time– do not try to adjust your child’s routine as per yours, instead you should adjust your routine as per the child. Typically, your baby will be awake for 45 mins to 1 hour before taking another nap. Utilize this time efficiently and do not let anyone stretch this time. This will require some planning and adjustment with your baby’s feeding and other needs but within a few weeks you will be able to figure out the sleep pattern.

♥Do not wake up a sleeping baby– as mentioned at the starting of this article, we have to strike the right balance between making our baby sleep and making our baby feed. We are often told that it’s important to wake up the baby for a feed every 2 hours, this is not to be considered a mandate as sleep is equally important if not more. It’s okay if your baby sleeps for 2-3 hours during the day, and similarly 4-5 hours in the night not going beyond that.

♥Massage– we have been massaging our son Kabir every day since his umbilical cord fell off and have done so till he completed 3.5 years age. This daily massage worked like magic and helped make him have a great nap each time. A massage relaxes their body and helps regulate blood flow, works on adults and even better on our little ones.

♥Routine– not referring to your baby’s routine here, I’m actually referring to yours. After the first couple of weeks, you would know your babies feeding pattern, make sure you are ready to feed your baby within a minute of demanding. If you are bottle feeding then keep the bottles sterilized, water & formula ready. A bottle warmer really helps here as it makes your milk lukewarm within 30 secs or so.

If you want more details on this topic or want to this information in video format then you can watch the video posted below. Don’t forget to write your query or feedback in the comments section and also share this article on your Social Media handles like Facebook to help your friends, family and other parents worldwide with their parenting journey. Thank you for reading this article by MomComIndia (Parenting Simplified)

♥♥ इस आर्टिकल में 0-3 महीने के बच्चों में सोने से जुड़े प्रोब्लेम्स और उनके सोलूशन्स के बारे में बताया गया है, आप ये सारी जानकारी हिंदी में भी जान सकते है नीचे दिए गए वीडियो को देखके 

When To Take Your Baby To The Doctor | Signs & SOS Protocols For 0-12 Month Baby

I am an ardent follower of home remedies. However at no juncture does it supersede my doctor’s advice. I took my time to choose a paediatrician and a gynaecologist, to guide me for my son and for my own recovery. It’s important that you are comfortable with your doctor. Set up an emergency protocol at home. Write the numbers of your physicians, specialists, the closest hospital emergency room, and stick it at a prominent location inside your home. Similarly saving the above numbers on your phone as emergency numbers, will expedite your reaction time. When in doubt, seek a doctor’s advice without second guessing about the baby’s health.

While I list 10 major signs to rush your baby to the doctor, this list is by no means exhaustive. The indicators of an ailment, might differ from baby to baby. Observe your baby and act in accordance.

1. Baby has Fever

Your baby has fever if his or her body temperature is above 100°F. Fever is usually an indicator of a disease or infection. As the immunity of the baby is built up gradually, a baby is most susceptible to attacks on its system. For babies lesser than 3 months of age, even a mild fever needs to be taken seriously. Speak to a doctor immediately, if your newborn has fever.

For babies above 3 months, fever above 100 is a cause for concern. Below 100 can be just a raise of body temperature due to baby’s movements and activities. However, if it lasts for more than a day, seek the guidance of your paediatrician.

2. Dry Diaper

If the baby is not peeing enough, this can be a sign of dehydration or infection. Keep a check on the baby’s diaper. A baby peeing less than 6 times a day can be a cause of concern, & needs to be taken to the doctor. A well hydrated baby will pee more often. The more the baby pees the better. Also, if you find the baby’s lips to be dry or the urine to be dark yellow in colour or that there seems to be some trouble while the baby is passing urine, do consult the doctor.

3. Trouble in Breathing

As a parent, we are aware of even the slight changes in baby’s behaviour. At any point should you notice unusual breathing patterns, do not delay a visit to a doctor. Sometimes it can be just a common cold, yet for an infant that too is to be taken seriously. Babies can’t communicate their discomfort. Whether it’s a minor mucus situation or a respiratory infection, one can’t be sure without a doctor assessing it.

4. Unusual crying or Low activity

If your child is crying incessantly, check whether its hungry or whether the diaper needs a change or for gas or whether it is sleepy. Sometimes babies also cry if they are bored. Try a distraction. If all fail, with the baby still wailing, it could be due to a physical discomfort that it is unable to communicate. An assessment by the doctor can point towards the underlying cause.

Similarly, if your baby is less active than usual, isn’t smiling as much, is staring listlessly and is lethargic, it is advised to visit the doctor at once. The period of time you keep your baby under observation will depend on the level of inactiveness.

5. Baby poop

Baby poop and pee are major indicators of baby’s health. Keeping a keen eye to both the body functions, will help you spot a warning signal early. While baby poop in its frequency and consistency, changes all the time, black, white or blood spots in poop need immediate attention. A visit to the emergency room is needed at once. Yellow, brown, green or a mix of such poops, is natural. Also do not panic if the baby’s poop frequency changes. For an infant, whether its 1 poop in 7 days, or 7 poops in 1 day, it is normal. Also changes in poop consistency happens when shifting to formula or solids. Yet, if it bothers you speak to your doctor.

Loose motions can dehydrate the baby. While a few times of loose stool might just be a natural way to rid itself of a minor digestive infection, if the loose motion continues for a day, it’s time to visit the doctor. In the case of constipation too, if the baby is crying a lot while passing motion or the tip of the poop is hard , then it can be due to dehydration. This too needs a doctor’s intervention. It can be something as minor as the baby’s formula not suiting its gut.

6. Weight check

A baby’s weight in the first year should always be on a rise, doubling from birth weight within 6 months & touching around 10kgs by the end of the year. However, a constant or a declining weight after the first 3 months is a cause for concern. There can be minor fluctuations, as long as every month there is a gain in weight. If not, consult your doctor. Lethargy, refusal of milk and decline of feed are indicators of an ailment.

7. Getting hurt

Though we keep a tab of a baby’s movement, it is hard to be alert all the time. By any chance if your baby has rolled off the bed or had hit its head, its best to check with a doctor. Since a baby’s body is quite fragile, a doctor’s assessment can ascertain that the fall or hurt hasn’t caused any severe or long term issues.

8. Body Rashes

While diaper rashes can be avoided and treated easily, rashes or prolonged redness anywhere on the baby’s body need to be examined by the doctor. It can be a minor irritation caused by a product or your baby might have a skin infection. A check-up can clarify it all. Read this article to know how to treat diaper rashes at home.

9. Baby has Jaundice

Jaundice is very common among infants. Usually after delivery doctors check and treat jaundice, before discharging the mother and child. However, some babies show symptoms of jaundice after they are sent home. In case you see a yellow tone on your baby’s skin or if the eyes have tinge of yellow, take the baby to the doctor immediately. Usually after 2-3 days of care in the hospital, it’s resolved.

A baby is wholly dependent on parents and caregivers. As it grows, breast feeding provides the baby with all the nutrients to build a strong immune system. While taking all precautions, at times there are unwanted situations that may arise. Keep calm and follow the emergency protocols that you pre discuss and set up in your home. Time is of essence in these cases. Do not delay if your intuition indicates you to get a qualified opinion of the doctor.

Do share this article with as many parents as you can. It can help them to understand when not to take matters in their own hand, rather seek their paediatricians advice. Sharing your emergency protocol and experience on MomComIndia, will enrich the learning of another fellow parent. Do write to us with your feedback, comments, queries and suggestions. This content is also available in a video format below. Enjoy simplified parenting!


♥ अपने बच्चे को कब डॉक्टर पे ले जाना चाइये, इस आर्टिकल में इस बारे में बताया गया है | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें 

Breast Milk Storage & Formula Milk Storage Guidelines | Tips & To-Do’s

You are a mother now, a nurturer. The little one is the star of your life, completely dependent on you. The best nourishment for the baby is breast milk. It is recommended that at least for the first six months, only breast milk be given to the baby. Yet on the spot feeds can be challenging. The baby, whimsical at times, feeds as per its wants. That too might not be in tandem with your lactation supply. Your breasts might be full and the baby suckles a little on it, not wanting more. Conversely, it might be terribly hungry and your breast can’t immediately supply as much. Milk storage can be a lifesaver in these times, reducing wastage of the elixir for the baby. Similarly, at times you might want to supplement the feed with formula. Understanding the storage requirements of both, can safeguard your baby’s feed from any contamination.

A baby should only be given  Breast Milk or Formula Milk before starting solids. Breast Milk can be expressed using a breast pump and can be stored. In my personal experience, I have stored milk enough number of times and it has never gone bad.

Formula Milk Storage

But let’s first speak about Formula milk, I believe it should never be stored. Always make it fresh. Making it is very simple using hot water and milk powder, and it should never be left out for more than an half an hour. Beyond that, it should be discarded. Make a fresh serving. Always store some hot water in a flask and keep it handy, to avoid last minute rush when the baby wails of hunger.

It is quite understandable that Formula milk powders don’t come cheap and discarding any amount of it can feel hard on the pocket. But trust me when it comes to your baby’s health, you wouldn’t want to compromise . Also, when the baby has had some and the bottle is still left with some milk, it is not advisable to give the same milk to the baby. If he or she does take some in the next 15-20 mins then its fine or else you must discard it. The bacteria found in baby’s saliva gets mixed up with rest of the milk, contaminating it. It’s not fit for further consumption. Never ever reheat the Formula milk even if its lying around in room temperature. Breast milk too is given to the child at room temperature, which is equivalent to the body temperature of the mother.

Breast Milk Storage

Moving on to Breast milk, which when not stored in the appropriate conditions, tends to go sour. This can cause infections if given to the baby. For storage, I advise parents to invest in good quality storage bottles or pouches. Both storage and feeding bottles must be separate because the nipple with which the baby takes the feed must be a fresh and sanitised piece every time. I personally have used electric as well manual breast pumps, and with that I received a milk storage bottle. I stored the breast milk in it, measured in ounces, as per my baby’s consumption.

There are three guidelines on when to pump and store breast milk. Now considering that you need to feed your baby in the next 2 hours and you have pumped out some milk, it can be fed at room temperature. Breast milk when kept at room temperature for one to two hours doesn’t go bad (at moderate room temperature). But if you want to feed that baby later than that, then Breast milk can be refrigerated for up-to 2 days. Although it’s always better to pump fresh and feed the baby. But I understand that some mothers may feel some constraints, in situations like; if the mother has to step out, she is working or if she is unable to feed the baby at night. In such scenarios, stored breast milk can be used to feed the baby. This needs some conscious efforts of storing the bottle, the right way at the back of the fridge labelled with the date when the milk was expressed & used with the FIFO (first in first out) method. The bottle shouldn’t be moved around again and again to adjust other items in the fridge.

Apart from this, there might be a need to store the milk for a longer duration. There can be such scenarios where the mother needs to step out for a week or that there has been a major surplus in her milk production. In such cases, breast milk can be pumped out and stored in larger quantities in the freezer. Milk stays in good conditions this way for up-to a week.

Stored milk feeding guideline: 1

The important feeding guidelines that need to be taken into due consideration, right before feeding the breast milk to the baby, need to be followed to the tee. First, you can’t reheat or heat the breast milk on any utensil. In case if the milk is stored in the fridge or kept in the freezer, I would recommend using Dr Brown bottle warmer. Another alternative to bottle warmer is hot boiling water in a container. Put the bottle in it kept standing. In about 15-20 minutes the cold milk will come down to the normal room temperature. The upside of using a bottle warmer is that it does the job in one to two minutes and is ready to serve to the baby.

Stored milk feeding guideline: 2

Secondly, before giving the milk to the baby, always test out the temperature by pouring out a few drops on your hand. If the milk is hot it can give blisters inside the mouth and if it is cold, it can give a sore throat to the baby. The aim is to provide the feed at room temperature  to the baby, akin to the feed from mother’s breast. Quite often parents complain that their child is not drinking the milk from the bottle. The reason behind this is usually the temperature at which the milk is given to the baby. Another point of reference is the taste of the milk. In my personal experience, I have adopted a method of checking this. I taste the milk before and after storing it, so that I have a reference point and ensure that my baby got the same taste and temperature as he would get in a normal breast feeding scenario.

It is highly important to store the milk in washed and sterilised bottles, always. Before every feed, it must be ensured that the feeding bottle too are sterilised. In-case of breast pumps, both manual and electric, every little washable part and accessory of the device must be washed and sterilised after every use. A quite common practise among parents is that they purchase storage and feeding bottles in bulk and wash and sterilise them all at once in a day. Keeping your baby’s health in mind, I’d personally recommend a use and wash regime for every bottle and pumping accessory that you own, so that we can ensure zero or minimum chances of infections and bacteria affecting your child.

I reiterated to ensure your baby’s safety- never use leftover milk. If the leftover milk is sitting for over 15 to 20 minutes, then its advised to discard it. This is done because, the milk when it comes in contact with the bacteria present in the saliva in the baby’s mouth, starts further bacterial build up in the remaining milk, which can later end up giving an infection.

The next tip about milk storage in fridge includes the use of air tight bottles. This is done to avoid bacterial build up in the milk while it’s kept in the fridge. You must always store breast milk in smaller quantities. Storing in larger quantities and thawing it, can result in wastage of milk, in case the baby feeds less. Like I mentioned earlier that any left-over milk kept beyond 15 minutes needs to be discarded. If the baby needs more, you always have the option of bringing out another bottle. Ensuring smaller frequent feeds is the key. This will ensure lesser wastage and optimum nourishment.

All the recommendations here are as per my personal practises and experiences. Never have I ever had an unfortunate experience with both formula as well as breast milk. In situations of direct breastfeed, so many checkpoints and things to remember need not be followed all the time. The only thing to be kept in mind is the mother’s personal hygiene and cleanliness. Whereas, in case of bottles, each and every aspect of hygiene and sterilisation must be maintained ,especially as it comes to the health and growth of your little peach.

It has been a long journey of deliberated decisions that helped me get through this phase with my baby and more-so, without complaints. We would love to hear the experiences from the new parents and what your journey has been like so far. The biggest challenge ,as well as pleasure, while raising your baby is the nourishment that you can provide. Do drop in your comments, questions and feedback and feel free to share this article and spread the word amongst your friends and new parents. Share our enthusiasm to build a parenting community. Introduce more parents to MomComIndia. We reach out to you via our pages on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and this website. Enjoy simplified parenting.

♥ बच्चों के लिए दूध कैसे स्टोर करे ? – ब्रैस्ट मिल्क और फार्मूला मिल्क | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें 

Weight Loss After Delivery | How To Lose Weight After Delivery

They say, a child gives birth to a mother. Nourishing yourself and preparing your body to go through the entire process in itself is a journey. As your baby grows, the mom’s fitness levels also need to be kept on check. The biggest concern post-delivery is shedding off all the pregnancy weight. The higher your fitness levels, the more active would be your involvement in your child’s routine. As your baby grows, their energy levels are off the roof while we end up struggling to keep up with their pace.

Pregnancy comes with its own kind of a checklist. You have to be cautious since the time you come to know the happy news. Folks tell you to eat for two and that’s fine ,yet it comes with a territory that an expectant mother should be careful about. Keeping in mind that eating for two doesn’t mean eating a lot, it only means be very mindful of what you consume. Higher consumption doesn’t necessarily mean good nutrition, it also borderlines on unwanted extra fat in the body. The growing foetus as it is adds on to the weight. Putting your body through an extra stimuli of food groups will only make it further more difficult to shed it off.

Throughout your pregnancy, make it a habit to add any kind of an activity that keeps you away from feeling sluggish. Anything of your choice, really. Walking is a good start. Some moms do light prenatal yoga and some keep themselves active with home chores, especially during the last trimester. Either way, being active and good diet are key to a healthy pregnancy which eventually results in easier labor and easy shed off of the extra weight. Keeping the body active will keep shedding off the extra fat and store the good nutrients for its nourishment.

Here I would like to share some snippets of my pregnancy journey. I gained 15 kgs during my pregnancy. Following some basics, I was able to lose most of it within 6 months post-partum. Following a strict regime both pre and post-delivery will only help you lose all the pregnancy weight and maintain an active lifestyle. Let’s see how.

First, it is important to understand that our body gives us signs. We must look out for it and read it. During the first 6 months post-delivery it is a cardinal rule not to indulge in any extreme workouts. Another sign to be on a look out for is for the normal menstrual cycle to resume. It necessarily means that as soon as it happens, the body has recovered and ready for some workout.

Alright, that being said, many of us will wonder, what to do until that happens, right? There are in fact quite a few handy tips that if followed correctly ,will actually reap huge benefits for the post-partum body.

1. Breastfeeding

The first tip is continuous breastfeeding . Even if you give formula to your baby, still make an attempt to breast feed. Some mothers don’t get enough supply of milk, that too may get better with the regular breastfeeding. This also gives enough activity to the baby and a lot of calorie burn for the mother.

2. Post-Natal Massage

A massage is a must. Normally, at least the first 40 days after giving birth, the mother should get her massages done. The oil massages have multiple benefits. It promotes better blood circulation, tones and shapes the body and takes care of the body aches, sore muscles and weak nerves post-delivery. Make an attempt to continue the massage. In my experience, I continued with body massages for up to four months. For the first-two months I took it every day. After that I continued on every alternate day, followed by once a week. Never get these done by an inexperienced person. These are specialised massages, curated only for post-partum mothers and done by a specialist, traditionally known as ‘Daimaas’. However, if you have had a C section, do consult your medical practitioner before starting the massages. Your stitches need time to heal and any strain on them may have long term impact.

3. Water

Drink a lot of water, period. As it is breastfeeding is known to make you feel thirsty. Even if you don’t, make it a point to drink 10-12 glasses of water in a day. Essentially, start your day with 2 glasses of lukewarm water which gets your metabolism started. It releases a lot of toxin and eases digestion for the whole day. Try to drink a glass or two before every meal so you don’t overeat.

4. Involve your baby

Getting fit with your baby is another great way to get active. Once Kabir (my son) turned one month old, my doctor allowed me to take walks and take the baby out too. I started slow and gained pace gradually. Additionally, it’s good for the babies to be out in the nature, which also opens up their respiratory tracts to a great extent. I matched my pace with his routine every day. Another alternative is to dance at home. Ask your partner to participate in the activity and babies love moving to the beats of music.

5. Belts

Abdominal belts are a great aid right after delivering the child. It is recommended that the new mother either wears an abdominal belt or ties up a piece of soft cotton cloth around her belly. It helps in preventing sagging stomach muscles and helps you come back in shape.

In case of caesarean delivery, abdominal belts or cloth is not recommended as the stitches go multiple layers underneath the surface. It is difficult to ascertain the healing time and the belt can only be used post six months into recovery. But, if you have had a normal delivery, abdominal belts and cotton cloth can be used immediately. It will reap you great benefits.

6. Adequate Sleep

Another tip is to sleep well. As a mother it is hard for a nice long nap to come by. But it would be a great deal more beneficial if you are able to catch small naps along with your baby. During the initial months after birth, babies sleep a lot, so you can time your sleep accordingly. When we don’t sleep enough, we end up snacking at odd hours and anything that comes our way. Avoid junk food at all cost, at least for the first six months. During pregnancy, we eat a huge variety of food suiting our nutrition requirements as well as to satisfy the cravings. Once the baby is born, we slow down and eat only simple food groups, which are easy to digest as well as  improve the quality and quantity of milk produced. Switching to healthy snacks is a good choice to avoid these hunger pangs.

Small and frequent meals every two to three hours is crucial. This is another way to keep hunger and acidity away, whilst not disturbing the regular functioning of the body. Have early dinners for easy digestion, at least two hours before bedtime. Right before you hit the sack, drink a glass of hot milk.

7. Avoid caffeine, soda, aerated drinks

My last tip to all the new mommies reading this, is to avoid caffeine, soda or any aerated drink. It mixes in the bloodstream and goes directly to the baby through breast-feeding. One cup of tea in the whole day is alright, but if possible, try to avoid it. It is highly advisable to avoid these from your diet at least till you are breast feeding.

A major percentage of the weight is lost right during the birth. In order to shed off some more to your satisfaction, it is advised that you resume working out post your menstrual cycle settles in again, but under the supervision of a trained professional. Before starting any physical form of activity or workout, it’s a good idea to apprise your trainer of your recent health conditions so that you can get a curated workout routine. The first year post delivery is crucial for your body to recover.

The above suggestions can quite easily be adapted by anyone. Keep these points in mind. Start slow and eventually graduate to harder workouts under supervision. Do not forget to get the ‘green signal’ from your doctor.

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♥ डिलीवरी के बाद वजन कैसे घटाएं | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें