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How To Choose The Right Formula Milk For Your Baby

Though breast feeding is the apt source of nutrition for your baby, circumstances create a need to supplement a baby’s feed with Formula. The market has numerous options for the same. If you are perplexed about how to find the right formula for your baby, this article is for you.
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Exclusive Breast Feed for the first six months is the best for a baby. WHO, Research, Your Paediatrician and all baby formula manufacturers will highlight it. The nutritional benefits of breast milk are manifold. Yet situations can be such that a parent decides to introduce formula to the baby. Sometimes it’s due to a lactation deficit and sometimes one might choose to supplement just one feed with a formula. Whatever be the reasons, I understand. And along with this decision comes the question, “which brand of formula should I choose for my baby?”

To answer this question better, I will take you through my personal journey of finding the right formula for my son. I introduced formula early for both reasons mentioned above and decided to supplement one feed with formula. Cow’s milk or likes shouldn’t even be considered as a choice for at least 1 year after baby birth. The proteins in cow milk is difficult for a baby to digest. Formula on the other hand has been developed to be closest to breast milk. We looked into the options available and chose the popular NAN PRO 1.


NAN PRO, is easily available and most people choose it. Since we were just looking to supplement one feed, this was an informed choice, we introduced Nan Pro 1 when Kabir was around 40 days and used it for almost 2 months. We were fine with it, till we noticed that Kabir was having a lot of spit up. Baby’s regurgitate a bit of their feed with burping. But in our case he was vomiting out quite a bit. Also his potty cycles were affected. He was pooping once in 3days. Though this is normal of a baby, as parents we decided to change our formula and see how it impacts.



ENFAMIL was introduced to Kabir. It’s a well-known but expensive formula. Immediately things started looking better for Kabir. ENFAMIL is light so it was easily digested. His potty cycles became regular and his spit up was reduced by at-least 50%. However, he was feeling hungry much more frequently than when he was on NAN PRO 1 and there was still spit up. We decided to try another brand, to understand what suits our baby best.



SIMILAC ADVANCE, was the choice. It too is well renowned and cheaper than ENFAMIL. On introducing this to Kabir, we saw that it worked for him. The spit ups were lesser than ENFAMIL and that too not on a daily basis. He was satiated for 3-4 hrs and his potty cycles continued to be normal. We stuck to SIMILAC for the rest of our formula feeding journey.




While choosing a formula for your baby, know that every child is different. Some of you may find that another brand suits your baby better. However, we can only review those that we have used. Of the three brands listed above, your baby might have a completely different experience. All the brands listed are available online and with local chemists.

That said, I reiterate the importance of breast feed. If you are struggling with lactation issues, here’s the link to our home remedies to increase the supply. To understand how to make formula, we have listed the procedure in detail (link). Should you chose to watch this content in a video format, the link is given below.

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इस आर्टिकल में बताया गया है कि बच्चों के लिए फार्मूला लेने के लिए किन बातों का ध्यान रखना चाहिए और मेरा क्या एक्सपीरियंस रहा कबीर के साथ | इस आर्टिकल की जानकारी हिंदी में पाने के लिए नीचे दिए वीडियो को देखें


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Sandhya Vishwakarma
Sandhya Vishwakarma
3 years ago

Hii mansi di, my son is 11months old now and his weight is 7.3kg, I give him night feed whenever he wants and during day time he take 3-4 feed (breast feed) … I tried giving him formula but he totally refuses it … I give him solids 4times a day… Which includes rice,dal,ghee,dry fruits, vegetables,fruits,milk, etc but still he is not gaining weight,what shall I do to make him healthy… Also may be after 2-3months I’ll start working to I want him to adapt formula milk in my absence…plz help me with the same…
Thanks in advance

3 years ago

For formula milk try changing brand and or the bottle, at times babies adapt to different taste of formula or shape of nipple. For weight gain visit a doctor once and consult, in many cases iron deficiency causes lesser growth, so a doctor will be able to guide you better.

10 months ago

Hi my baby is 1.5 month old….. I started formula because my milk supply was less…… started with lactogen and nanpro……but he does vomiting after each formula feed……so if I want to try another one which will be best

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