Post Delivery Care For Your Stitches & Breasts | Traditional Care Methods Passed Down From My Mother
It is crucial to have a clean and hygienic environment when a new mom returns home after delivery. While having a spick and span room is basic, cleanliness is not just limited to baby care. Part 2 of the series on taking care of a new mother highlights it. It brings to attention vital points , to ensure a safe recovery of the new mother. Based on the pearls of knowledge from the elders of the family, it lays down the must do’s and home remedies necessary for the initial phase of motherhood. If you are a new mom or a mom to be, this article will help you to develop a daily routine of self-care.

“The delivery of a baby is akin to a re-birth of a woman,” my mother’s words echoed in my mind. While giving birth to my son, Kabir, I witnessed the wisdom of it first-hand. The lifestyle changes associated with nurturing a new born, went in tandem with physical and psychological changes in me. The stitches, the post-delivery bleeding and breasts full of milk. From the comfort of a joyful pregnancy, the above discomforts felt like a shock. Though grateful for the healthy baby in my arms, I knew that I needed as much support as possible to ensure a speedy recovery for myself. And I completely banked on my family, especially my mother, to help me heal.
Grandmothers, mothers and mother in laws have forever been experts in their knowledge of post-partum care. In most cultures, including ours in India, a new mother relies on advice and home remedies that the wise women of the family offer. This article of mine is an extension of my mother’s care that I received while recovering from the same. I intend to share my good fortune of having a mother who guided me through every step of this phase. The wealth of information on this topic, was too vast to be put into one article. To do justice and explain every suggestion in detail, I chose to divide it into two parts. Click here for Part-1 of this series. This edition highlights the pivotal matter of cleanliness that a new mother needs to incorporate in her recovery routine. From my mother to me and now to you, these simple suggestions will fasten up your healing.
1. How to ease post-delivery bleeding
The first hurdle of hygiene for a new mom is the bleeding post-delivery. During the birthing most of the bleeding takes place. However residual bleeding continues. The blood often coagulates and is discharged from the body in form of clots. To ease this my mother advised me to consume a mix of Desi Ghee, Gur (jaggery), Jeera (cumin) and overnight soaked Badam (almonds) with a glass of warm milk. Not only did I notice an increase in my energy levels, my clots decreased enabling a comfortable flow in my post-delivery bleeding.
2. How to care for stitches after delivery
Even if one has a normal delivery, ensuring that the stitches heal well, is a priority. To avoid infections and any stress on the stitches it is important to take note of the following-
a) Walk slow: Post-delivery returning immediately to a normal pace is not advised. The stitches, both in normal delivery or c section, need care. Care at this point will expedite the recovery.
b) Do Not Sit Cross-Legged: While sitting cross legged is virtually impossible after a c section, it is equally harmful to sit cross-legged after a normal delivery. Strain to the stitches can cause them to open. Even while breast feeding, take the support of a pillow or adjust your sitting position to avoid the same.
c) Clean the stitches: For a normal delivery, do wash the area every-time you use the washroom. After relieving, gently wash with water. Follow it up with a second rinse of a solution made by mixing equal parts of water and betadine solution. Let it air dry. After a few minutes of air drying, there might be a need to apply an ointment like Soframycin. I reiterate that this process needs to followed as many times as you use the washroom. Blood, stool or urine can cause the stitches to get infected. Hence, regular cleaning is advised.
For a c-section, the medical practitioner would prescribe an ointment or a powder medication like Neosporin. The aim is to avoid superficial bacterial infection. Seeking advice of a doctor is a must, for both normal delivery and c-section.
3. How to care for breasts after delivery
Breast feeding the baby at regular intervals is taxing on a new mother. However, it is important that the hygiene of the breasts is maintained. Pre and post feed, clean the breast with water and a clean cloth. Soap or harsh disinfectants can irritate the skin. It is enough to just sponge the breasts with lukewarm water and immediately dry it with a clean towel.
Heaviness in the breast is a common problem that new mothers face. The breasts full of excess milk, might feel hard. In such cases, a mother could feel feverish and have shivers. Ignoring this can lead to fainting and blackouts. The cause for this is over supply of milk. There might have been a longer gap between feeds or it can just be that there has been a sudden increase in lactation. To avoid this make sure to breast feed by alternating between both breasts. Doctors’ advice to switch breasts after 15 mins of feed. This also ensures that the baby gets both hindmilk and foremilk. In case, sudden breast heaviness causes a rise in body temperature, express some milk by squeezing breasts. Drinking warm milk or hot soup helps in such condition. In severe cases, applying a hot water bottle on the breasts helps to relieve pain. Do not directly apply the hot water bottle on skin, use a cloth or towel as a layer between the breast and the bottle. Do not hesitate to reach out to your doctor if the condition persists.
Additionally, it is advised not to sleep with the arms up. It affects the flow of milk and can cause heaviness and pain.
A new mom’s care is imperative to ensure the health and happiness of the baby. It is ok to skip a few routine chores to just rest. Rest promotes recovery. That said, it doesn’t mean lying down all the while. At least 15 mins of sunlight is a must. Get some fresh air ,walk around in the balcony or garden. This will pep-up the mood as well. Eat well and remember to hydrate. Regular consumption of desi ghee is advised by the elders. To understand the dietary needs of a new mother, check this link.
The challenges of motherhood are many. The stronger the support system, the easier is the journey of parenting. My endeavour is to help as many parents as I can. By sharing this article and by reaching out to me on any of my platforms(YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, website), this aim of mine is furthered. All comments, feedbacks or questions are welcome. The content is also available in a video format below. Do spread the word. And enjoy simplified parenting.
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